<aside> 🌎 Last updated on December 6th, 2021

Welcome to the What's New at CU page! Here, we will give bi-weekly, detailed updates on what is happening at CU's NYC HQ and in our in our global community.

Watch a video recap instead.


December 6th, 2021

<aside> 🌎 TLDR

Our new Steering Committee was elected this week! The 5 members are: Arath Velasco, Arman "Karl" Singh, Harmonie Ramsden, Roman Messali, and Ahyun Jung!

****Today we are starting a Holiday Giving Campaign to sponsor 50 Fellows in the 2022 Spring Fellowship class.


🧑‍🚀Holiday Giving Campaign

Today we are starting a Holiday Giving Campaign to sponsor 50 Fellows in the 2022 Spring Fellowship class.

Every $250 donated supports a Fellow in our program! Our goal is to raise $50,000 by the end of the year to support 50 young changemakers in our next Fellowship.

Everyone who donates $250 or more in by December 10th at 11pm ET will receive a customized astronaut headshot as a thank you for their support!


Feel free to share this campaign with your family and friends!

Donation Link

🤖 Upgrades to the system

Participate in a Bounty

As you may know, we are working on leveling up the CU Website — and we need your help. So, here’s the bounty:


Thoroughly answer the four questions below in a google doc or notion, and share them with me -> [email protected]


December 08 2021


$15 USD per person, with more rewards available if we hop on a call!

QUESTIONS: What on CU’s website made you apply? Think about other programs/non profits’ websites. What do you like about them, or what attracts you to apply? What types of things keep you engaged on websites?  What on CU’s website is great right now? What sucks?

Message Your Responses to Thanasi on Discord For more bounties, make sure you're checking the #bounties channel.

Apply to Host a Civic Gym Event

You can now apply to host a civic gym event by submitting this form! Message Madison on Discord with any questions.

Commitment tracking and Planning

The CU team has started a commitment-tracking and KPI process for individual team members and parts of the organization on a weekly, monthly, and annual basis. We are constantly working towards bettering our team and workflow to better serve the community!

🗽 Highlights from the CU HQ!

👷🏼‍♂️ Highlights from the Builder community

Upcoming Civic Gym events

Due to lower attendance in events last week, we will continue with the scheduled events for the rest of December and then pause until the end of January, after the holidays and when people are back into the flow of school. However, be on the lookout for other exciting upcoming opportunities!

Apply To Be a Game Design Advisor (Unplugged Strategies)

We are looking for 3 Game Design Advisors for Read to Lead. Read to Lead creates online learning games, lessons, and projects that support social-emotional learning and align to College and Career Readiness standards. We are looking for advisors to provide feedback on existing game content.Scope of work:

Requirements and details:

**Here is the link to the application. It will be open from now until 11:59 pm PST on Friday, December 10th**. Please let me know if you have any questions!

If you are not selected for this role, you can still apply for future Unplugged Strategies roles! For each role, we give the partner organization the ability to choose the applicant that they feel will best suit their needs. This will be different for each project, so the outcome is not a reflection of you and your abilities. If you are a part of this community, we already know that you are awesome!

Highlights From the Community

Meet our new Civics 2030 Steering Committee!


🧑🏽‍🎨 In the design shop

<aside> ℹ️ Feel free to weigh in on any of these documents by leaving comments or reaching out to the author.


Internship Program

Author: Chabu Kapumba, [email protected]

A document that overviews our new internship program that will begin in the summer of 2022.

Read the document here.

Supporting Community Learning

Author: Roman Messali, [email protected]

A proposal for how Civics Unplugged can support community members who want to learn about a particular topic through funding online courses and providing personal development exercises.

Read the document here.

💫Highlights from the Fellowship

The Fellowship officially came to a close before Thanksgiving, so this section will be on pause until our next cycle begins!

November 22nd, 2021

<aside> 🌎 TLDR

We have made the decision to migrate our communications platform from Slack to Discord. Click here to get onboarded to the new server.

The Fellowship completion requirements are the post fellowship survey, Civics 2030 pledge, and onboarding to discord.

****There are no events this week, Happy Thanksgiving!


💬Join Our Discord Channel

After months of continued ideas, discussions, and decisions, we have made the decision to migrate our communications platform from Slack to Discord.

Effective December 8th, 2021, the Civics Unplugged Slack will be sunsetting its service and all builders will be expected to migrate over to our new Civics Unplugged Discord Server. After this date, the Slack will be deactivated and any remaining builders must email [email protected] to re-enter the community.


🎉Fellowship Graduation Requirements

A HUGE congratulations to all of the Fall 2021 Fellows for completing the Fellowship. This is just the start, and we are so excited to build the future with you!

Fellowship completion requirements:

In addition, if you are interested in Civics 2030 Projects:

🤖 Upgrades to the system

Important Form Hub

We now have a hub of all of our important links!

🍳 Partnerships we're cooking up

November 8th, 2021

<aside> 🌎 TLDR

Our Fellowship Graduation will be on November 20th at 11:00 am EST. The event will include a taco-themed runway, a talent show, a superlative award session, and more! Here is the link to join.

****Our SkywalkerZ NFT collection has already raised $112,989!
