<aside> 🧠After discussions between CU Team and Steering, we have decided to revise our original design doc on Learning Journeys. CU currently does not have the capacity to create a program similar to the initial idea; this will take more time and attention. We have, however, come up with a middle-step solution: CU will experiment with funding course-based learning journeys.
Civics Unplugged will be running an experiment to gauge interest for learning journeys by testing a middle-ground solution. Builders will be able to have online courses funded on the platform of their choice. Platforms like Coursera, Chapter, or Codeacademy provide thorough enrichment opportunities on a broad selection of topics for a relatively inexpensive price (which CU will cover). Additionally, many of these programs connect students from all over the world with professors and experts of the field.
Often times, it can be tough to acquire knowledge on a topic without a designed curriculum to follow. Course-based programs will give Builders a solid base on the topic and direction for further learning through other resources, like articles.
In the first experiment, 5 Builders will be able to apply for funding. Interested Builders will be asked to fill out a form to briefly explain what they would like to learn about and why, as well as what platform they would prefer using. Once funding is approved, Builders would fill out a reflection for before, in the middle of, and after the learning journey to solidify their learning and help us gauge effectivity.
For Builders who finish a learning journey or have prior knowledge, CU will also be providing Builders internship connections in related topic fields. Builders would be matched with organizations based on their topic of interest, skills, and preference. This will give Builders an excellent opportunity to apply their newfound knowledge, make crucial, long-lasting connections, and get a taste for potential career fields. More details are to come soon.